Shop our plants in person in our Farm Nursery!
Our Nursery

Come shop our on-farm nursery filled with flowers and a myriad veggie and herb starts. Starting the week before Memorial Day until the second week of June, Monday thru Saturday from 10am–5pm, Closed Sundays. Over 300 varieties to choose from! You can browse our online store to learn more about the varieties we carry or email for more information. Our nursery is located at 300 Beckwith Rd, Cornville, ME, 04976. We are five miles north of the Skowhegan post office on Rt. 150.
We value face time with our customers. It is an opportunity to connect with our community, answer any questions about our growing techniques and product line, or share new information about our farm or farming news. In a world of bigger and bigger agro-businesses, some consumers have lost touch with where their agricultural products come from and can’t find out exactly how it was produced. Buying directly from a local producer bridges that gap and ensures customer confidence in the safety and ethics surrounding their food. We call it CONSCIENTIOUS GOODS.


In the past, you could find our plants at the Skowhegan Farmers’ Market. We are taking a break from market, but we encourage you to check out all that is there! It is open Saturdays from 9am–1pm, located at 42 Court Street in the parking lot of the Somerset Grist Mill adjacent to the municipal parking area in Skowhegan.
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